

Starting from: 

Tour Details


Georgia is located between Europe and Asia. East of the Black Sea, Georgia is separated from Russia by the Caucasus Mountains. It borders Turkey and Armenia to the south and Azerbaijan to the east.

We have 3 tourist programs including 6 trips on a daily basis

First Program:

Batumi trip 8 days 7 nights every Thursday of every week on Fly Jordan

Price Starting From : JD299

It includes:

Hotel accommodation with breakfast


Reception and farewell at the airport

Daily trips to visit all places in the city of Batumi (a detailed program is sent)

All taxes

Second program:

Batumi & Tiblisi Trip 8 days 7 nights every Thursday of every week on Fly Jordan Airlines

Price Starting From :JD379

It includes:

Hotel accommodation with breakfast 4 nights in Betomi + 3 nights in Tbilisi


Reception and farewell at the airport

Transportation from Batomi to Tbilisi and vice versa

Daily trips to visit all places in the city of Tommy and Tbilisi (a detailed program is sent)

All taxes

Third program (most requested)

Batumi & Trabzon Trip 8 days 7 nights every Thursday of every week on Fly Jordan Airlines

Price Starting From : JD419

It includes:

Hotel accommodation with breakfast 4 nights in Betomi + 3 nights in Trabzon


Reception and farewell at the airport

Transportation from the city of Batumi to Trabzon and vice versa

Daily trips to visit all places in the city of Batumi and the city of Trabzon (a detailed program is sent)

All taxes

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